Monday, July 10, 2006

My intestines hate me

Well, I'm still pregnant, and it is really interesting the way my body is reacting! It seems that every time I eat, I get intestinal cramping, not productive ones, but just the cramps. But, if I don't eat, I feel as if I'm going to faint. So, I just keep eating, and endure the pain. Somewhere, someone is laughing! If I can have a healthy baby, it is all worth it.
I told my Mom on Friday, and I have to say it was the cutest. She was so excited, she said "I have to move around, I can't sit still" . We have a sort of love hate relationship, but at that moment, I couldn't have loved her more. It is pretty sappy, but it was really special to tell her, and then she told me stories of when she was pregnant with me, and suddenly you have something BIG in common. You've both created life. And suddenly I have a bit more empathy with her, as I contemplate raising a child, and the struggles she had to go through. I love my Dad, but he was not the most supportive, loving husband back then. He is much better now, but he is married to someone else, which is probably the reason why! At any rate, it really tickled me to tell her. When I got her on the phone, here is how it went:
Me: "So, how does it feel?"
Mom: "How does WHAT feel?"
Me: "How does it feel to know that you are going to be a grandmother?"
Mom: "You're putting me on"
Mom: "No, are you serious?"
Mom: "Oh MY GOD!! I have to move around I'm so happy!"
Mom: "I've got to make a list of people to call."
Mom: "You're serious, right?"
Me (laughing hysterically): "Yes I am serious!"

It was great.

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