Well, who would've thought I'd have made it to 17 weeks? 17 weeks, 2 days that is. Wow. We had the big ultrasound on 2/27, and it was wonderful. My quad screen came back 1 in 1100 chances for Down's, negative for neural tub defects, negative for trisonomy 18. Everything looked great, the femur measurement was a little short, in the 87th percentile instead of the 90th. The doc said that might reduce my chances to 1 in a 1000, it really was a very soft marker, and not very important. So, I didn't have to have the amnio. Such a blessing. And we found out that it is a boy!! Pretty amazing to actually visualize that thing in my uterus as a human being. I was being so cautious about feeling attached, we both were. When we got the good news, it was like the flood gates opened. I told everyone here at work the next day. We were just so elated. And really, still are.
But now reality is setting in and we are facing the dilemma of what are we going to do with this child once it is born? We plan on putting the house up for sale soon. It is just too expensive. We would like to move South in the near future, but until then, we need to figure things out. I'm thinking I could probably get a contract job after the baby is born, which would up my salary about 20,000 a year. My technical skills aren't where they should be; I need to start training myself again.
The main complaint that I have right now is that I am so tired ALL OF THE TIME. I get up at 2:00 am every day to let the puppy out. It just interrupts my sleeping pattern, and I never feel too rested. Husband is getting better about getting up some days, but most of the responsibility falls on me right now. I find that I am in a rotten mood most of the time. So, I'm going to try to go out to my car during lunch and take an hour nap. I bet that will help a lot. I'm so grateful for this baby, though, I'll be grouchy the entire time if need be!
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
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